About Having Licensing for  Ohio Home Inspectors

Home Inspector licensing is new in the State of Ohio (starting November 2019). This will likely be a good thing for home buyers in the long run. However in the beginning it will be confusing. On the surface all home inspectors, once licensed will all look to be equal. This is very incorrect!

Having a license number does not mean that they inspector has all the experience and knowledge as every other Ohio licensed home inspector.  Look at licensed plumbers and other licensed professionals, you know darn well that some are vastly better than others despite having the same license. 

What should one do when looking for an Ohio home inspector? Look for a home inspection company that has been around for a while, at least 5 years is great.  Also look at the number of reviews the inspection company gets. Is it a few, a dozen or so, or does the home inspection company have numbers in the hundreds or thousands?

Why are looking at reviews critical? Face it, reviews are largely created by unhappy people or very happy people. It is only with those emotions does a customer feel enough motivation to leave a review. Most service companies are nothing really to rave about. However if you find a home inspection company that has hundreds or thousands of positive reviews then you can be certain that this company does an amazing job and the workers have the personalities that people love.

In other states once licensing of home inspectors began there, schools began churning out lots of home inspectors and a few states sometimes gave licenses to other related professions. The public did not know the difference and the market was often flooded with "licensed" home inspectors. With all the activity and hundreds of inspectors home buyers did not know how to select a good home inspection company.  The regulations in Ohio recommends that agents either give a list of at least three recommended home inspectors or no list at all.  Further leaving home buyers on their own. In May we have come across real estate agents who thought home inspectors were licensed already despite the state not being ready to license anyone yet. Agents are not informed on licensing as of yet,

Be certain to read reviews and check out at least a couple companies. 

Here is a site that provides free links and information on how to find a home inspector, select a real estate agent and to overall how to help protect yourself and your family when buying real estate.

How to Safely Navigate the Home Buying and Inspection Process